Magnetic Filters
Magnetic Filters are a preventative component fixed to a specific point within your heating system, to increase its life and efficiency. It’s a simple but highly effective unit that traps any dirt, debris and sludge that’s created before it can do any damage to your boiler and controls. MagnaClean Filter: Protecting nearly 3 million heating systems in […]
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What is a Powerflush?
Power flushing is a method, as outlined in BS7593:2006 Code of Practice, for treatment of water in domestic hot water central heating systems, used to dislodge and mobilise deposits and corrosion, which has built-up over time in your heating system, generally from lack of maintenance and protection. Once the corrosion and sludge deposits have been […]
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Thermal Imaging
At RBG we have extended our range of services to include Thermal Imaging. Using thermal imaging infrared cameras, our engineers can pinpoint irregularities to temperature distribution and thus, easily locate blockages and leaks in your heating system. It is a powerful tool that allows us to provide diagnostic insight into your central heating system non-intrusively, which is […]
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